CAG is a social ministry at St. Elizabeth’s open to all adults. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet new people, make new friends and enjoy good times with others that share the same faith, values and interests. The purpose of this social ministry is to simply provide fellowship! All adults are invited to attend any or all of our gatherings.
Some events we’ve held in the past include:
Lenten discussion …Trivia games…Attending local jazz concerts…Movie nights
Barbecues…Trips to Sight & Sound Theater, Lancaster PA…And much more!!
We start the year with a planning session and schedule monthly fun filled opportunities with your parish friends. That session will be scheduled in October. Except for concerts/trips, we meet after 5pm mass in the classrooms.
Please contact Ida Depasquale at 973-252-1372 for information regarding this ministry.
The Communication Ministry is a group of people interested in photography, writing and graphic arts. We aren't professional photographers or writers; these are just hobbies we enjoy and are able to use these talents to further enhance our communication to our parishioners via the bulletin and social media like our website and facebook. This is a ministry where you can participate as much or as little as you choose. We welcome anyone who would likt to join this ministry.
Please contact Joy Rastiello at [email protected] or call/txt 973-219-0939 if you have any questions about this ministry.
The Welcoming Committee provides a forum to meet and greet fellow parishioners multiple times a year in our Community Room. We offer coffee, tea and a variety of baked goods and commorodory to all who wish to stop by after the 9am or 11am mass on designated Sundays. The Committee relies on volunteers from our ministry along with other ministries, to make the Coffee/And Welcome Sundays a success.
In addition, we also coordinate the annual Valentine Volunteer Dinner and prepare refreshments for various services and events throughout the year.
Please contact Jeanette Carey email at [email protected] for information about this ministry.