In our first reading I have often reflected and thought about the astonishment when these disciples and others realized they were hearing everyone in their native language, but there was no Earthly way that could be possible. It probably took them some time before that thought came to them. I’m certain it brought them to pause and genuinely reflect and marvel at the power of God. I often try to put myself in that situation and think, how would I react? More pointedly realizing this proof of the Holy Spirit’s help, does this help fortify you in your calling from God? Knowing we have always had His Holy Spirit with us unlike the disciples, makes me feel that I may not have always appreciated the gift of the Holy Spirit. How does this make you feel?
It is a blessing to have faith. It fills your heart and mind with good things. I feel sorry for people who don't have faith. At my work very few people go to church and when I talk about my faith they make fun of me. They don't know what they are missing! I think only 10% of 50 go to church. Very sad. I cannot understand that there would be anything other than our Creator, God to justify the complications of the the universe. I argue that that the amazing human body, eyes, ears, heart, lungs and more could ever occur other than from God.
Are you looking to deepen your faith or answer a call to serve? If yes, or even a strong maybe, please consider joining the Eucharistic Ministry. What greater way to serve than during mass!
Faithful Catholics who have received the sacraments of initiation are eligible to become a Eucharistic Minister. Training is provided and with a few more volunteers, the commitment would be once or twice a month.
Please prayerfully consider joining this amazing ministry and answering this request. For more information, please contact Monica Schiksnis at [email protected] or text/call 201 841-1454. Thank you and God Bless
In Acts 8 we learn that God can be found anywhere & it is there (ie. EVERYwhere) that God the Father-God the Son-God the Holy Spirit can free our repentant souls from sin. Though God can be found everywhere, being part of the Church Community & Traditions is important to our soul receiving the blessing of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 8:16-17):
The Little Sisters of the Poor are committed to preserving the original Charism of their Foundress St. Jeanne Jugan, by giving happiness to the Elderly poor and meeting their needs at St. Joseph’s Home for the Elderly in Totowa, NJ. Challenged during these past two years they ask for any support you can give according to your means. They will be at our Parish the weekend of June 10 – 11, 2023.
CORPUS CHRISTI FOOD DRIVE Annual Corpus Christi Food Collection for the Poor 2023 Due to the unprecedented requests for assistance from Catholic Charities’ food pantries and to fulfill our obligations to the poor, Bishop Sweeney has authorized a Diocesan-wide food collection in all parishes and agencies before the Feast of Corpus Christi, Saturday/Sunday, June 10th – June 11th, 2023