Teen Reflection - 5th Sunday of Lent Leah Armstrong
The 5th Sunday of Lent makes me think of how Jesus sacrificed to help me.
Jesus' friend Lazarus had died, his sisters Martha and Mary were stricken with grief. They were also a little upset that Jesus did not come sooner to save him. Jesus wept with sadness but he brought Lazarus back to life.
Reflection – Fifth Sunday of Lent by Desiree de la Fuente Pabalan
The Purpose of Suffering
“Master, the one you love is ill.” When Jesus heard this he said, “This illness is not to end in death, but is for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it.”
It’s now three years since the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic, a time where a single virus transformed the world into a dwelling place of fear, grief, and isolation. Many of us may have experienced tremendous loss or medical scares concerning our loved ones and dearest friends. It’s difficult to comprehend why God would allow this long season of loss, grief, and illnesses in our lives. If God loves His people, why would He allow us to suffer and experience the gut-wrenching pain of loss and fear?
Michael Meola Reflection on the Solemnity of Saint Joseph March 20, 2023
Saint Joseph: The Old Man and The C Model of Husbands, Fathers and Workers
The “C” (Christ) won and the Old Man was drowned in Baptism into Jesus’ Death and was born again to New Life in His Resurrection. St. Joseph is known as The Good Old Man, as revealed in the Diary of St. Faustina, which has the Imprimatur, the “Stamp of Approval” of The Church, which means that it is guaranteed, by The Authority Given to The Church by Jesus Our Lord from God The Father and The Holy Spirit and Guided by All Three as ONE, to be free from the slightest speck or shadow of doubt of error in what we are to believe as Christians.
4th Sunday of Lent - Teen Relection Renee Kilkeary
In the readings God gives sight to a blind man. Personally, God has opened my eyes to his love and care through my volunteer work. I volunteer working with horses and kids with special needs and at our church. God has opened my eyes to how fortunate we are and he helped me discover my love for helping people through my work.
Corinne Kilkeary 4th Sunday of Lent - Adult Reflection
Are you following your Lenten Plan, have you checked off all the boxes? Pray, fast, give alms, confession…maybe trying to do a little more than last year because you didn’t really “feel” it then? It is admirable, but are we on the right path? Do we see what we are preparing for? I am the light of the world, says the Lord; whoever follows me will have the light of life. Are our eyes open to God’s light? Or are we blinded by distractions?
Putting God First We are now in the third week of our Lenten journey. Lent is a time of sacrifice and anticipation. We are called to sacrifice during these seven weeks as a way to remember and reflect on the ultimate sacrifice. God showed His love for all of us by sacrificing His only Son. Jesus accepted that He would be tortured and killed so that we can have the promise of eternal life. Our Lenten sacrifice is small in comparison but a sign to God that we are putting God first in our lives. The anticipation we experience comes from the Easter celebration where Jesus is raised from the dead back to life so that we can be with God for eternity. Let us not forget what Easter means to us. Yes, it is important to be with family and friends, but always remember what we are celebrating on that Easter Sunday.
Stump the Pastor Please join Father Stan on March 21, 2023 at 7:00pm in the church. Father Stan will answer questions about the church and religion. Please come with the questions you would like to discuss. All parishioners are welcome to attend.
Thank you all so very much for partnering with us to make our goal a reality! So many people will be touched by your donations. Not to mention the support you have given to your own parish! (We will earn $1000+!
Once again we find ourselves in the Lenten season. Lent for me, is a time of self-reflection. I find myself focusing on how I can be a better follower of Jesus. I try to dedicate more time to prayer and more time for offering thanks for all that Jesus has given to me in this life. I am so very thankful for my beloved family and my beloved friends. I am thankful for those wonderful people that God has sent to me on this life’s journey to help me grow stronger in my Faith and closer to Jesus.