Proverbs 17:17 assures us, “A friend is a friend at all times,” including times of change. As you may know, I have embarked on the next phase of my journey in discipleship and Catholic education. Today, my heart is heavy in bidding farewell to the ministry that I will always hold near and dear. Words can’t express what an honor and a blessing it has been for me to serve the wonderful people of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton over the past sixteen years. The time has come for me to pass the torch and I am confident that the light of Christ that we’ve shared in friendship will continue to shine brightly! I leave you in the very BEST of hands with Corinne Kilkeary as your Youth Minister and Colleen Huber as your Confirmation Coordinator. The future is bright indeed for our teens who will be blessed with such fantastic leaders!
To Father Stan, the parish staff, and all of my co-workers in the vineyard of the Lord – catechists, volunteers, parents, friends – thank you for the gift of your unwavering support, kindness, and partnership in Christ over the years. Your love for the Lord has impacted my life in remarkable ways. Thank you for sharing your faith with me and inspiring me to be a better disciple. We remain companions on this journey in faith and I am blessed to call you friends.
Extra special thanks to all of the young people of St. E’s with whom I’ve been blessed to work over the years…what an amazing journey it has been! Thank you for opening your hearts to the fire of God’s love and for bringing the love of Jesus into my life in meaningful ways. I am SO proud of you and can’t wait to see where the Holy Spirit will lead you. May you continue to grow in faith and make a difference! Leave your mark on our Church and on this world, as you have on my life. Please know how much you are loved.
I was listening to our retreat playlist recently and the Broadway song “For Good” has been stuck in my mind ever since. The lyrics capture so much of what is in my heart right now:
“I’ve heard it said that people come into our lives for a reason, bringing something we must learn… So much of me is made of what I learned from you; You’ll be with me like a handprint on my heart… Because I knew you, I have been changed for the better. Because I knew you, I have been changed for good.”
My dear friends, I am so grateful that God brought each of you into my life. Thank you for changing my life for the better. As we continue our journey in faith, even if the miles separate us, the bonds of friendship will remain strong; we are united in Christ! Please know that you will be with me always - in my heart, thoughts, and prayers. May God bless you and your families in abundance!