TO: All Pastors and Administrators DATE: August 20, 2021 RE: Voluntary Special Second Collection FROM: Msgr. T. Mark Condon Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia
Bishop Sweeney has received a number of inquiries regarding ways that our local Church of Paterson can assist those in Haiti and in Cuba. In light of the humanitarian crises caused by the earthquake in Haiti and the human struggle for liberty in Cuba, Bishop Sweeney has authorized a voluntary second collection to be taken in the parishes of the Diocese of Paterson on the weekend of August 28-29, 2021 or September 4-5, 2021.
This is very short notice but the assistance that we can give to Catholic Relief Services and organizations that can assist in Cuba will always be timely and welcome. The collection is to be taken on the dates designated, if you decide that it is pastorally appropriate, so as not to interfere with the Diocesan Ministries Appeal and other special collections already scheduled which also serve to support vital ministries and services.
If you do take the collection, please transmit the proceeds to the attention of Mr. Patrick Brennan, the check made payable to "The Diocese of Paterson" by September 22, 2021. The funds will then be disbursed to fund Catholic Relief Services and other agencies responsible for emergency relief.
Thank you for the generosity of your parish community. We pray for the people of Haiti and Cuba and commend them to the loving care of Our Lady of Charity.
Sincerely yours,
Monsignor T. Mark Condon
Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia
Father Stan has chosen September 4/5, 2021 for our second collection