Advent is a time of anticipation in the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ and hope in God’s love for all of us. Let us never forget that God’s love is enduring. He sent Jesus to us as the ultimate act of love and ultimately sacrificed His Son for us and gave us the promise of eternal life.
As I was reflecting on Luke’s Gospel for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, my main thought was of Mary’s overwhelming faith and trust in God. If someone asked me what faith is, I would refer them to this Gospel. When Mary says, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word,” I am in awe. Let’s think about what Mary is doing: she is saying yes to God even though she does not understand what is happening and is scared. She is to be married to a man named Joseph whom she loves but has no relations with. Mary is wondering if he will feel betrayed and abandon her. In these times, if you were an unmarried woman with child, you could be stoned to death. In addition, Mary is scared that her family will disown her and not accept her. All of this is going on in her head and she still says yes to God. If she is not a model to us all, then I don’t know who is.
God has challenged me to trust Him and have faith in Him even in difficult times and I know I have not always responded like Mary. However, let us all use Mary as a reminder of what faith and trust in God is. Unlike Mary, we have all failed God at times, but we know God loves us and will be there for us no matter what. Each and every day, we must strive to be like Mary. Mary brought Jesus into the world. In our own way, let’s bring the light of Jesus to the world. Bring God’s Word to the world, defend life from conception to natural death, feed the hungry, help those in need. Let’s face it, 2020 has been a very difficult year for everyone and that is putting it mildly!! People are struggling with loss of loved ones, loneliness and fear. We know that God brings the hope and love we all need, especially now. This Advent, let’s bring that hope to others.
A final thought about this Gospel is that all things are possible with God. Elizabeth, who is
barren, becomes pregnant, and Mary is with child yet has no relations with a man. When the struggles of life hit us, and we know they will, we should remember that God will be there for us each step of the way. Push forward in tough times and know God had a plan for us. We sometimes don’t understand His plan, but if we trust in Him, He will help us persevere.
This will be a very different Christmas for all of us than we have experienced in the past. We are separated from loved ones and family and maybe without a job, but we shouldn’t forget the message of Christmas which is love and hope. This message will never change no matter what we are going through.