I am old enough to remember a time when hearing your phone ring was a little exciting and not the dread it is now. We wondered who could it be? A friend asking us to do something fun or a relative we hadn’t spoken to in a while? That phone call is different now. What robot or scam is it?
As I read the readings for this Sunday, I feel like I am watching the apostles establish the priesthood; but upon closer reflection, I see much more. In Acts, Chapter 6, the twelve are trying to find a way to help the widows of the Hellenists who are being neglected. The twelve call upon their disciples to select seven reputable men filled with the Spirit of wisdom – they are recruiting. They find the seven and the Apostles pray over them and lay hands on them. These seven are called to the task of distribution to the Hellenists but also begin to spread the word of God and bring more followers into the fold.
In Saint Peter’s letter, he calls people to come to Jesus who is a living stone rejected by humans, but chosen and precious to God. Peter writes that God wants us to be living stones and build a spiritual house and be a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices. Again I hear God calling people to serve and spread the faith and have trust in Him.
In John’s Gospel, Jesus tells us to not let our hearts be troubled, because we have faith in God, and therefore in Jesus, as well. And God will take care of us and our troubles. He tells us there are many dwelling places in His Father’s house. This tells me there is a place for everyone. Jesus wants people to believe and not be troubled. There are many ways to serve and express our faith. He is preparing a place for us; we should find peace in that, especially in these troubling times.
Digging a bit deeper, I feel that these readings are not just the foundation of the priesthood, but also a calling to us all to serve God and spread our faith. The first reading calls us to prayer and ministry of the word. It also shows us that the number of disciples increased. We are those disciples and we are called to spread the word of God as disciples of Jesus. The second reading echoes this call. We are a chosen race so that we may announce his praises. We are chosen by and precious to God. We have been called out of darkness into his light. These things give me great comfort. God is always with us
In the Gospel, Jesus tells us He is the way and the truth and the life. To come to the Father, we must go through Jesus. I think God is calling us to find a way to serve. Jesus is the way to salvation and he is calling us to serve as well. We all have different talents to share and different ways to serve. We should reflect on our own lives and be sure we express and exemplify our faith in Jesus and God. By following Him – the way, the truth and the life – we answer the call and draw closer to God. By serving him, we are working to get closer to the place Jesus is preparing for us. Consider how you connect to God in prayer and service and find him in your everyday life.
We are very lucky to be part of St. Elizabeth’s parish which offers many ways to serve – as simple as donating to the food pantry; we share our faith and serve others. Even though we can’t be together now in this time of social distancing, we know in our hearts we still have our parish family to support us. So many have worked so hard to bring us online masses and services to still share our faith and support one another. I know I am grateful for and comforted by that.
It is also Mother’s Day and those of us who are mothers know the joy of guiding our children in life and in our faith. We carry the troubles of our children in our hearts as Jesus carries our troubles. Parents and mothers have a unique ability to serve God by setting examples of faith and service for their children.While we prepare earthly places for our children, we show them through faith that God prepares a place for us all eternally.
When God calls, how are we answering that call? Hopefully, with excitement and joy!