In our First Reading from the prophet Isaiah, we are asked to “Come, let us climb the LORD's mountain, to the house of God…
” Does this call still pertain to us over 2,000 years later? Which mountain are we called to climb? Where is it? Taking the visuals described in this reading of a journey up a mountain where we will receive additional instructions in His ways, we can envision a tough and perhaps dangerous trek. This is as true today, as it would have been over 2,000 years ago. There are many treks and paths that we walk for God that are not glamorous; those are our daily, and sometimes menial, tasks and responsibilities. Do we recognize those struggles and see just how much God has instructed us along them? How can we listen better for His instructions? How can we take this reading and reflect on our journey of Advent? How similar is it to our current striving to achieve our common goal to “…walk in the Light of the Lord”?
Our Second Reading from St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans builds upon these thoughts and reflections. We are asked to “wake from sleep” and “put on the armor of light.” What does that mean to us in this journey of Advent? As sinners, we know we are not perfect, but we are reminded especially in this time to conduct ourselves properly and live according to our conviction of following Jesus.
Finally, in the Gospel, we are reminded that we cannot fully understand God’s will. We are of this world, and therefore can only think in terms of this world. Still there is the path for us. We are reminded to focus on what WE can do and WHEN we can do it. We do not know when our time here will end. Although we are to focus on living in the moment with love, it should not be done recklessly so. Matthew says it will be during the daily grind, the same old tasks and responsibilities of our everyday lives, when God will come for us. We are to prepare ourselves for His coming.
What can I adjust in my daily grind during this Advent season that will help me better align my will with God’s will? In which areas of my life do I especially need strength during this time? How can I change, even if just slightly, to better walk this path with the joy and light of the Lord?