Since the stop of our Parish Food Pantry, all your donated food items have gone to support our neighbors using the Mt. Olive and Roxbury Food Pantries. Thank you to the Knights of Columbus for continuing this ministry by selflessly dropping off our parish donations on a weekly basis. Our SPARK Teens were able to see first-hand the needs of the MO Food Pantry during our Summer Mission Days. The stock on shelves and in refrigerators/freezers had severely diminished. They are in desperate need of basic pantry staples going into the winter season.
The MO Pantry has 20-25 families receiving food weekly and supports the holiday kitchens of 150 local families at Thanksgiving time, then again during Christmas. Please answer the call of our Lord to Feed the Hungry and remember the MO Pantry! Non-perishable food donations are accepted gratefully in the black bin in our Community Room. Fresh items may be brought directly to the MO Pantry. Whatsoever we do to the least of His people…. Let’s all make a push to build up the Body of Christ by nourishing His people here in our community! Below, please see a list of
HIGH PRIORITY ITEMS, needed to prepare for a long cold winter.
God bless your generous hearts and know that you have the thanks of all those helped by your gift of food!
HIGH PORIORTY ITEMS/FOOD PANTRY NEEDS: Cereal, Oatmeal-canister or packets, granola bars, peanut butter & jelly, canned fruit, canned potatoes Soup, crackers, pasta tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, pancake mix & syrup, macaroni & cheese, small bag or box white rice, coffee- small can, Tea, condiments- small containers, mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, vinegar, oil