April 16th 2023 the Second Sunday of Easter Divine Mercy Sunday Reflection
Good morning. Today is the second Sunday of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday, and is one of my favorite days! Today is celebrated as a feast of Mercy for Jesus to be a refuge and a shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. Whatever I may or may not act like and however I might want to be, I know I am a sinner and stray from Jesus’ teachings. Today, and every Sunday I can renew my love for Him, be reminded of His teachings and try to love others as He loves me.
Our first reading today shows the devotion and joy the apostles felt after knowing Jesus rose from the dead. Certainly, just over a week ago there was significant despair and doubt, but then came overwhelming joy on Easter. In thinking of that especially as an apostle, the emotions would have been opposite ends of the spectrum in just a couple days. Now completely overjoyed they are sharing that love of Jesus, inviting others to share in their joy, taking care of one another, and so much more. I can feel their happiness and joy from these words. I also feel His love overflowing and I can certainly relate when I am in a good mood, I share so much of His love. Often, we can be so joyous that it is contagious, and that is how I envision the apostles. Do you feel this joy too? How has this Easter changed you? Are you joyfully contagious?
We have the responsorial psalm reaffirming our joy. It reminds us of our falls and failures of completely trusting and loving Him, but He always supports and helps us. He is victorious in all things and brings us joy out of sorrows. These psalms are also shouts of excitement, joy, and love for God. Can you feel the overwhelming happiness? Everyday is a new chance to be like Him and love as He loves us. Taking a minute, how can you spread His message of love and salvation and ensure others can join in this feeling? Whatever you decide is best, He will support you with strength and courage; aligned with God we can only be victorious for Him!
The second reading today really puts Easter into perspective for me. It is Spring and Easter propels us in our renewed faith for the inheritance of heaven with God. It was promised by God and then secured by Jesus. Knowing that is awaiting us and that there will be trials with some suffering, it strengthens me to endure because Jesus is with us every step of the way. I know I am not alone, and I can persevere in faithfulness comforted by that love He has for me. How does this reading speak to you? Do you feel comforted knowing you are not alone in your trails or suffering? Can you offer that suffering to God out of your love for Him too?
I have watched the Chosen and just saw the movie His only son. Those shows made me realize the apostles were just people like us. Sure, it was a different time, but they were just trying their best to live and honor God like me. The gospel helps me realize that we have received the holy spirit as they did, but we have the added luxury of learning from their challenges and failures. We have not seen Him, but we believe and so can share in the faith, joy, and salvation with them. Jesus called us who have not seen and still believe “Blessed”. Whatever I am it is not any better nor worse than the apostles and disciples as we are all blessed and called to spread the Holy Spirit and the love of God to others. In reflection I think have I really done that? I am elated to think Jesus called me blessed! How does that speak to you? How will you share your feelings of joy this Divine Mercy Sunday and beyond?