Whenever I see new growth on a plant, or flowers blooming in the spring, it reminds me of why I hope. To me, they are signs of God's promise to always care for us, just like those signs throughout the Old Testament: water flowing from a rock, manna in the desert, separating the sea, the rainbow after the flood. These are all signs for hope.
Jesus told us about His unending, infinite love and demonstrated it by dying and rising so we can share in that unending love. Jesus showed us what hope looks like - its actively cultivated and lived; it's not a passive feeling.
Active gratitude for the gifts God has given strengthens my hope. Every time I witness a person engage in an act of compassion, I'm reminded of the infinite love of God. Every time I actively love another person, it strengthens my hope for the immediate future, and for what we will experience when we return the Father. Gratitude, caring and love are my seeds of hope.
My iris flowers are bursting out right now - I'm going to enjoy them and contemplate the goodness of God. And I hope they will look even better next year after I thin them out!