When we think about why we have hope, we have to always go back to our belief in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We have learned from our beloved parents, that this life is really just a part of our journey, while on our way home to our true destination ~ Heaven. We have grown up with our Faith and our beloved Shepherds, who have helped guide us to understand and grow closer to Jesus on our life’s walk with Him. We have celebrated our Blessed Sacraments with joy and happiness with our families and our friends. We have been told upon our Holy Confirmation day, that this day we have dedicated ourselves to our one, true best friend, Jesus! We know that our beloved Lord is there with us each and every day; His strength is our continuing Hope.
We know that Jesus is in the glory of a beautiful new baby and that He is there with us also, in the darkened hospital room, as we hold the hand of our loved one who is dying. We can face loss, no matter how painful, because He has redeemed us all, and we know someday we shall all be together again in Heaven. We believe that he has wiped away our sins with His amazing Love and Mercy.
We know that even though our youngest child will leave in a few days for a dark and scary place, he does not walk alone on those Missions in the mountains. I said to myself, “I did not even get to hug him good bye before he deploys to Afghanistan, this time.” But then I realized, once again, that Jesus hugs him every day. Jesus is with him and with all of us, in the unknown and terrifying moments of this life. Our Blessed Mother will lay her Mantle over all of us in protection.
My answer to all those who would ask how do you have Hope... would be Jesus. I have Hope because our Lord loves us, all of us, especially those who have lost their way. How do I know that? I have lost my own way, many times, but somehow Jesus always comes to find me. Sometimes Jesus will send His Blessed Mother or the Holy Spirit present in our family or our friends. Many times, Jesus reaches out to us through those we love, because we listen to them. Even now in this scary pandemic, where we have lost so many beautiful lives, we know that Jesus is with us. Our Lord and our Savior is in control, know this and never lose Hope…Jesus will never leave us nor forsake us!
God bless you and keep you safe!
P.S. - We pray the Divine Chaplet and the Holy Rosary each night at 6:30 pm - the Zoom meeting link is on the website - we would love for you to join the Rosary Family!