by Michael Meola
He is Risen!
This Exclamation is The Greatest and Most Important Declaration of Our Faith and is The Battle Cry for us who were Baptized and Believers By Faith and Brings to Fulfillment and Completion The Battle Cry of St. Michael who cast Satan out of Heaven while crying out, “Who is like unto GOD?!” (And that is how he got his name because that is exactly what the name Michael means). For, truly, Only GOD COULD DO or even THINK of DOING What HE HAS DONE that we Celebrate This Day; LOVE IS SOMEONE WHO IS GREATER And STRONGER Than death and HAS even SANCTIFIED it, Transforming it into the way to Eternal Life.
In order to fully appreciate the grandeur and Glorious Splendor of THE AWESOME LOVE AND MERCY OF GOD IN This Awesome Event That Changed the world Forever, we should look back at where we’ve been. We have been on a long journey as the days have gotten longer day by day; Christmas Came just four days after the darkest day of the year to Give us New Hope To Bring us into the new year. Then came the shortest Ordinary Time of any I can remember. (I think that means Jesus Is Telling us that His Life on earth had a short Time that was Ordinary, and So, Sanctified it, Making our “ordinary lives” something we can Share with Him That He Makes “Extra” Ordinary.) So then Lent began and so began our forty day Journey of Prayer (our relationship with GOD), Fasting (our relationship with ourselves and our bodies as the Temples of The Holy Spirit) and Almsgiving (our relationship with our neighbor). How did you do? I know that I fell short of the bar on this. I have learned, however, that the biggest part of Lent is growing in humility in the Presence of GOD. I have learned that the meaning of humility for a human being is realizing that GOD IS GOD and you are not; so, HE USED this Lent TO SHOW me just how much not HIM I am.
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by Ray Martinelli
Good morning. Today is Good Friday, and a very solemn day but we faithful are hopeful and look forward to the Resurrection of our Lord on Easter!
I love starting off with books from the Old Testament as we do here with Isaiah. In addition to the message of the scripture itself, I am reminded these were prophecies fulfilled by Jesus. How else but by God and the Holy Spirit would all this be documented so long before then accomplished precisely by Jesus? I am reminded of my luxury of faith growing up hearing, seeing, and believing in Jesus’s conquering death and His glorious resurrection, yet Isaiah and so many others had only their faith and to believe without seeing.
Isaiah tells of a savior who looks ordinary yet kings are speechless in His midst. Nothing stately to attract us to Him, someone spurned or avoided, and people would hide their faces from Him. All this description of the Son of God who is many years from coming into this world. Then He is born completely blameless and without sin, was made to suffer greatly for our sins and conquer death to accomplishing the will of our Lord. My strongest thoughts are that He suffered for all the sins I have committed or will commit because He loves me. How does this passage speak to you? What do you think of when reading these prophesies?
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by Kevin Gaffney RCIA Instructor
The Passion of the Lord – Reflection of the readings
1st Reading: Isaiah 50:4-7
2nd Reading Phillipians 2:6-11
Gospel Mark 14:1-15:47
This Sunday we reflect on the readings of the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. The readings are clearly about suffering and ultimately a God like path to be followed in our own lives. Much has been written on the question of why do good people suffer? Suffering is confusing and stirs emotion. Suffering seems to be part of the human condition. We can also grow and mature in our faith during times of suffering. We as a faith people are open to God and a deeper study of Jesus life and death.
Isaiah 50:4-7:
This passage refers to a person, group, or nation of people who are in the process of suffering. A foreshadowing of a suffering servant archetype. What is striking is the internal strength of the one suffering. We see the one suffering does so willingly, focused on, and trusting God. The servant is not weak but strong. Standing tall, relying on God each morning who lifts them up in their suffering. “My face I did not shield”. “I have not rebelled”. “The Lord is my help; I am not disgraced”. Isaiah is foreshadowing Christ’s suffering as an example that we can follow in our own lives.
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by Phil Lamoureux
Readings: Jeremiah 31: 31-34, Hebrews 5: 7-9, John 12: 20-33
An unexpected turn of events: Philip and Andrew go to Jesus to tell him there are some people from out of town that would like to meet him. His response – The hour has come for Jesus to be glorified. He indicates to the Apostles that to fulfill his mission, he must be like the grain of wheat that is fruitful only when it dies. And this will happen soon. What a shocking thing to hear from their beloved master! He goes on to challenge them – whoever loves their life loses it; those who want to have eternal life must hate their life in this world.
This surprising message begins the final path to Calvary, and to our salvation.
What does this message mean for us? I love my life; I’m grateful to God everyday for the gift of it. I certainly don’t hate my life in this world, yet I hope for eternal life. What am I to do?
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by Corinne Kilkeary
Mercy…. It is only mercy when we do not deserve it. That is what the author of my Lenten reflection book wrote a few days ago. “Yup, we don’t deserve it,” I thought, then I read on. But when I took a look at the readings for this week and tried to reflect, that word, mercy, kept coming to mind.
I thought, what is it called when we DO deserve it? Justice, maybe? We know that the Lord God is the only just judge. I try to remember that whenever I think of passing judgement on a stranger, someone in the news, a co-worker or family member. I cannot look into their hearts, only God may pass judgement, dole out justice. But wait, in today’s second reading, St. Paul wrote “God, who is full of mercy”, not justice. God is full of mercy because of his great love for us, his children. God is constantly faithful even through our numerous transgressions. Can God really extend this loving grace to us? This forgiveness, this amazing father:child relationship, even if we are not worthy? Thank goodness, the answer is yes!
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by Desiree de la Fuente Pabalan
Faith in the Wilderness
“In those days, in their thirst for water, the people grumbled against Moses, saying, “Why did you ever make us leave Egypt? Was it just to have us die here of thirst with our children and our livestock?”
The Israelites, wandering in the wilderness, grumble to Moses due to their thirst for water. This happens not long after their deliverance from slavery under Egyptian rule, a time in which God had made provisions and performed miraculous judgments against Egypt to ensure their freedom. As a declaration of His love, the manifestation of His power had been in full display for the Israelites many times, yet, despite the evident magnificence of His works, they seemed to have easily forgotten Him.
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by Elizabeth Wang
Have you ever climbed a mountain?
I certainly haven’t. At least not in the literal sense. But how about the metaphorical mountains
we climb in our daily lives? The struggles and hardships, in all their varying degrees, both
emotional, physical, and spiritual, can feel like mountains looming before us. When those we
love are sick. When we see a dream of ours disappear. When we are exhausted from the daily
demands of our jobs. When we think we cannot take another step because every moment is
too hard. Every step on the mountain is too steep.
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Calling the Children of the parish!!! Please grab a basket and join us for a fun filled Easter Egg Hunt, following 11am Mass on Palm Sunday, March 24, 2024, at approximately 12:15pm. The hunt is sponsored by our TAB and SPARK Teen Ministry and will be held outside on the Church Lawn, weather permitting. When you have hunted for and gathered your eggs, you are welcome in the Community Room for crafts, snacks, and a chance to chat. Please RSVP via Flock Note or email. You may email Corinne Kilkeary at youthministry@stelizabethschurch.org. Kindly include the names and ages of all children participating, so we may plan accordingly. We look forward to celebrating the joy of Jesus’ Resurrection with you!!
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by Parish News
Holy Thursady 3/28/2024 - 7:00PM Mass with Adoration until 11:00PM
Good Friday 3/29/2024 - 3:00PM Service
Holy Saturday 3-30/2024 - 11:00AM Food Blessing
Saturday Easter Vigil - 3/30-2024 7:30PM
Sunday Easter Masses 3/31/2024 - 7:30AM - 9:00AM - 11:00AM
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by Colleen Huber
The first reading today speaks of the covenant God made with Noah. Yesterday we celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation with our 2nd year Confirmation students affirming for themselves the promises or covenant that was made on their behalf at Baptism. They received the gift of God’s grace, strengthening their relationship with our Lord.
Lent offers us the opportunity to pause, reflect, and strengthen our own relationship with our Lord. The kingdom of God is at hand. How might we as disciples enrich that kingdom? In past years I have given up candy, treats, or other things I enjoy. However, as soon as Lent was over, I went back to enjoying those things and not much had changed. Lent is a time of repentance and giving up candy does not seem like penance to me, as much as I love candy.
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by Parish News
Confessions on Mondays during Lent
7:00-8:30pm- held in the Sacristy. (starting 2/19/2024 until 3/25/2024)
This is in addition to regular Saturday confessions 4-4:30pm
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by Parish News
Stations of the Cross will be held on Fridays during Lent at 7pm. The first date is 2/16/2024
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by Parish News
40 DAYS FOR LIFE is Prayer and Fasting, Peaceful Vigil, and Community Outreach. Take part with Morris County Right To Life at Planned Parenthood, 196 Speedwell Avenue, Morristown, NJ 07960, 7AM to 7PM seven days a week from Ash Wednesday February 14 through Palm Sunday March 24. We invite pro-lifers as individuals or groups to participate. Bring signs to hold (except graphic type) or will supply as needed. Please register at https://40daysforlife.com/local-campaigns/morristown/. Need a sign, please email: sperkowski9@gmail.com or call 973-895-5445. You may also join me on Tuesdays 4PM to 5PM during campaign. See flyer in church lobby for more details.
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by Parish News
K of C Council 5410 is having their Fish & Chips Takeout Dinner of March 16th from 4 to 6 PM. Cost is $24.
Tickets will be sold the weekend of February 17-18 after all the Masses.
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by Desiree de la Fuente Pabalan
Faith in the Wilderness
“In those days, in their thirst for water, the people grumbled against Moses, saying, “Why did you ever make us leave Egypt? Was it just to have us die here of thirst with our children and our livestock?”
The Israelites, wandering in the wilderness, grumble to Moses due to their thirst for water. This happens not long after their deliverance from slavery under Egyptian rule, a time in which God had made provisions and performed miraculous judgments against Egypt to ensure their freedom. As a declaration of His love, the manifestation of His power had been in full display for the Israelites many times, yet, despite the evident magnificence of His works, they seemed to have easily forgotten Him.
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by Spark Teens Ministry
Mary's Hands is part of Catholic Charities, serving the neediest families in the Morristown area. SPARK Teen Ministry will be making 40 Easter Baskets to share with the families served by Mary’s Hands. Come help us share the saving joy of Easter with these families by donating some of the items listed below. Boxes will be in the Community Room February 1-11, 2024. We will be making the baskets in the afternoon on 2/11/2024. Thank you so much for your generous hearts, hands, and some of the items listed below! God Bless you!
Items we will collect for the baskets are:
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by Candace Niblett
This week we shall celebrate the Epiphany of our Lord.
Our first reading, from Isaiah, speaks to us about the joy all of Jerusalem feels now that the light of the Glory of our Lord has come!
We learn that the world has been covered in darkness with thick clouds overshadowing the people. However, with the birth of our Savior a great light now illuminates all the world. We are told that Nations will walk by His light and Kings by His shining radiance. The people will feel their hearts throb and overflow with happiness.
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by Michael Meola
Reflection On The Holy Family
While writing my reflection on The Most Holy Family, GOD HELPED me to realize that it could also be a reflection on The Most Holy Trinity because the Holy Family Is The Perfect Reflection of The Holy Trinity: Three distinct and unidentical Persons United in One Common Substance. The Holy Family Is The Model and Epitome of the human family. It is The Image of The Holy Trinity, and The Meaning of Personhood and man as participating in the nature of God as persons in communion. We might not realize it but our understanding of ourselves as persons and individuals comes from our Christian heritage, that being MADE IN THE IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF GOD means that we too are each one of us distinct, unique and unrepeatable individuals CREATED In a Communal way.
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by Ray Martinelli
Good morning, and Merry Christmas!
Today we celebrate the birth of Jesus, Son of God and Prince of Peace. How wonderful and uplifting today is for our hearts and souls!
Growing up being Catholic I sometimes find myself complacent with the importance of different calendar events. In our readings and gospel today, I am reminded that although God had worked miracles, sent many prophets, and cared for His people He changed everything by sending John first to foretell of Jesus’s coming. Today Jesus the King of kings is born, He is the Son of God! I love reflecting and being reminded of that and knowing the Holy Spirit was shared with me to be able to realize it. Had you been able to take some time this Advent and reflect on this awesome gift God gave us?
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by Parish News
Right To Life-Save the dates:
- March For Life, Washington, DC Friday January 19, 2024.
- March For Life, Trenton, New Jersey, Thursday September 26, 2024.
Please clear your work schedule to attend these events. March For Life-Trenton replaces New Jersey Right To Life rallies of the past in January and June, and is fully supporting the new Trenton March For Life event.
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